Does Diabolus, aka Satan, Really Exist?!
By Maria anna van Driel,
Johann Georg Faust, William Shakespeare, Leonardo Da Vinci, Dante Alighieri… what is their connection?
Does it hides in their work which is speaking of an enchanter feeling rising a connection between different deities which they named Diabolus or Mephistopheles? Or was this musical speech they heard while a fine-tuned insanity was slowly being applied to their worlds, a spiritual duality? A world in where an addiction of scattered beauty rose from a hallucinating imprisonment of the soul whereas thoughts are being whipped out … or at least, neutralized as they are blazed away in an unknown and darkened labyrinth.
Were their minds trapped inside a “realm” of those who have rejected spiritual values by means of violence or malice against superficial human sanity which made them a wanderer? An einzelgänger who gained the powers of walking a mystical path of creation and transformation of the brilliancy their vivid imagination provided them?
Totally obsessed, as we are these days, with being friendly to the fire swirling between the two trees of life, it seems we are in the cross-hairs of this invisible war in separating us from the love of Jesus.
His love is there for those with ears but as leaves blushing at the sight of autumn, a malicious dream is showing you a way out of your remote mazes in life.
Thou winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, each like a corpse within its grave, until thine azure sister of the spring shall blow.
Diabolus, Satan, Satanael, Lucifer or, as some believe, Mithras, a solar deity and bore the title of Sol Invictus “Invincible Sun”, is everything you know about the opponent of God really wrong? Are Demons nothing more than the unsolved mysteries of the mind and reveal themselves in the existence of an unbearable puzzle provided by the Basaltic? Solving this puzzle, in this you will succeed or fail … but whatever the outcome, the responsibility of your choice is yours only to bear.
Who is the devil? Is this creature a noble knight, understanding the balanced melodies in the speech and the teachings of poetry causing you to ride with him? Is this creature a passionate knight, as he sharing with you the beauty of infinity what is mirroring his emporium?
As this creature is showing you his fragile heart, you will be swallowed by his sprightly and tender dance. In a trance you will be swept of your feet as you reveal to him your deepest secrets. You wait and wait for him to return as you slowly understand; he has caught you in the blinding beauty of his fiery existence.
According to the bible, the devil was once beautiful and was full of beauty and wisdom as his name was Lucifer, meaning “Day Star.” As God dressed him in the finest jewels and placed him on the Holy Mountain, the devil decided he wanted to be above his creator. God disagreed and kicked him out of heaven to Earth and it has been a battle ever since.
When the peace of our world was threatened by this great demon, humanity had no hope of prevailing against such a potent force of violence and despair. He sought to destroy this world by inducing drought, thirst and starvation.
Being in our darkest hours, the great hero Mithras sprang forth from the stone, or the navel, of the world and took up the orb of the Cosmos in his protective embrace. From his bow, he let fly an arrow that struck the earth and from this wound came a renewing spring, which rejuvenated the Earth.
Still the threat of destruction persisted and with the assistance of the moon-mother, Selene, the vital fluids of life were scattered in a gigantic bull on earth. Mithras burned away the withered trees and forced the great bull (the beast) out in the open. He captured the bull and dragged it underground into the bowels of the Earth where he wrestled it and plunged his dagger into its chest. Trees sprang from the wound, bees were born from its blood and all of the earth was rejuvenated by this great sacrifice.
Perhaps we can explain the origin of this malevolent creature. An ancient creature we call Satan, seeking to seduce humans into falsehood and sin (sine) by providing the beauty of expressing the melodies of the heart in words after the smoke of desire has cleared the skies of the imagination. A vivid dream in where a sweet poison has spawn from a future illusion whereas it is creating an enchant feeling of false love where you can be free from danger or threat.
He had two sons, an older one named ‘Satanael’ and a younger one named ‘Christ.’ Satanael had superior rank to Christ in Heaven, and sat at God’s right hand until he became dissatisfaction with his subservient position, lusted after power, angered God, and was cast out of heaven.
Looking at the Universe today we see that it is expanding and cooling, meaning that all the matter in it was closer together (as the radiation in it was hotter) in the past. And if we had the possibility to go back to a sufficiently early time, we will find that the density was high enough as the temperature was hot enough that it would be an impossible task forming neutral atoms without them immediately being blasted apart!
Can we see this behavior in a similar manner an electron-positron pair can be created by that strange transformation? An ‘explosive transformation’ whereby a tiny spark of light, the electron, started to glow as it gained a strange form of static electricity what made it enter a state in where it had the ability to copy itself uncountable times in a mirrored manner?
According to theoretical physicist John Archibald Wheeler (July 9, 1911 — April 13, 2008), the mirrored version of the electron could be hiding itself, in what we know today from particle physics, the proton.
If he was really serious about his own comment is still unknown.
Still, even if Theoretical physicist J. Wheeler was joking concerning the behavior of the electron’s anti-particle, a teaching from the bible did came to mind; “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
So, behaving as a particle, the electron prevents the consciousness from realizing that it is part of a larger whole where it is zipping in all directions through this empty pitch black place whereas it is bouncing off on magnetic fields. And even being ‘one’ electron, it has now the behavior of looking like being at million places at once due the fact, we are looking at its behavior in a 2D manner while it is moving in a Euclidean space.
But when the electron behaves as a wave, consciousness becomes aware of its own existence outside the human mind, which makes OBE (Out of Body Experience) and NDE (Near Death Experience) possible.
So if the electron represents ‘matter’ and its complementary counterpart, the positron, represents ‘antimatter’, can we speak of a, in a scientific but cryptic description by the bible of 1. a galactic duality on a quantum level, 2. a biological duality inside self-supported systems and 3. a spiritual duality between Ego, Id and Super Ego?
Can we apply this biblical beast to the behaviour of the electron-positron pair or, do we have to read its existence in the astrological and mythological versions of how this ancient creature Satan was born?