EVP’s: Are We Really Talking With the Other Side?
By Maria Anna van Driel, www.nexttruth.com
Please note that this article is not intended to be a skeptical one but to point out to some of the frequently neglected aspects of assessing those sound recordings which do seem to be transmitted from a realm we are not walking. This article considers plausible theories of where these ‘voices’, recorded on e.g. vigils, in abandoned buildings or near objects used in rituals, may come from. Are they really spoken in a parallel world aka ‘the hereafter’?
Did you ever felt that moment of excitement when playing back the recordings of an investigation hoping to find the voice of ghosts or spirit in your home or in a nearby haunted location? Well, those Electronic Voice Phenomenon’s (EVP), are one of the more shocking and abundant pieces of evidence any paranormal investigator can obtain. Sometimes these sounds are scary, strange and unidentifiable. Other times they are clearly voices and seem to react with intelligence. The question is, where are these voices coming from?
As far as known records go, the earliest EVP recording was made by anthropologist Waldemar Bogoras (Vladimir Bogoraz) in 1901 with a phonograph what was invented in 1877 by Thomas A. Edison.
While Bogoras was recording a spirit conjuring ritual performed by a shaman of the Tchoutchi tribe, he recorded unexplained voices, which spoke in the English and Russian language and seemed to have been located directly at the mouth of the horn. Despite many examinations conducted by physicist, the recording remains unexplainable and it is one of the most fascinating pieces of plausible evidence considered to be paranormal because the device he used for his recordings was mechanical instead of electrical.
Over time many questions have being asked concerning EVP’s but one of the most asked questions is; how do those voices get on the recorder or instrument? This used to be a very hard puzzle to crack, as there were (and still are) many theories concerning this phenomenon in the recording of both creepy as friendly voices which do not only pronounce random words but also seem to react with a form of intelligence.
Back in the old days people thought that spirits and/or ghosts, walked up to the microphone of a recorder and started to talk. However, spirits as we understand them these days, are being explained as just pure energy, lacking the vocal cords what is required to transmit the pressure waves what lets the molecules in the air vibrate for most people to hear the sound of languish with their own ears. (Think of the Bernoulli Effect)
And so, the majority will tell you that they did not actually hear the voices (or sounds) until after they played back the recordings. (Exceptions are with those people who have an extra-sensitive hearing and can hear tones from proximal 16,000 Hertz up and from proximal 20 Hertz down)
The Electro-Magnetic Field
EVP’s being a phenomenon created by a magnetic or an electromagnetic (EM) field is widely accepted within the paranormal world these days and seems to be the leading explanation.
The electromagnetic fields swirling through the atmosphere, both natural manner and mechanical, are frequently associated with paranormal activities (e.g. vertigo, the feeling of floating, nausea, headache) and may cause similar fluctuations on tapes and devices similar to the head of a tape recorder. Recorders that use cassette tapes contain a head which is a small electromagnet and is capable of transferring various magnetic fluctuations from the atmosphere to the tape and imprints the noises it comes across, a process what could explain the imprint of a paranormal communication, not hearable for the average adult.
From a scientific point of view in trying to theorize this phenomenon, is that the captured voices and paranormal sounds are merely radio waves or cell phone transmissions what might explain the recordings of different languishes. A possibility we never must rule out when conducting an investigation in paranormal phenomena’s. However, an analog tape recorder is not designed to receive and record such signals what makes you wonder what it was that Thomas Edison captured in 1920 and Waldemar Bogoras in 1901.
Another leading theory involves the remodulation of existing sounds. This is the belief of spirits having the power to communicate by using existing objects around them such as fans, human voices, static noise, running water, in order to strengthening certain sounds what somehow change their wave patterns into, for the living, understandable words. This is something engineer Vic Tandy may have already known and understood about this phenomenon in the early 1980s. He later also discovered that the ominous grey shapes he saw slowly drifting through his laboratory, and disappearing when he looked directly towards it, was caused by the frequency of a standing wave of proximally 19 Hz (Aka the fear frequency) what was produced by a newly installed extractor fan.
Translating the Vibrations
Today we use electronic devices, such as digital memo-recorders, geo-boxes, cell-phones, which have the capability of receiving, and storing, electromagnetic energy via the internal circuitry inside them. Meaning, the crystals, for instance, can translate EM-vibrations, waves and radiation swirling through the air into a, for us, understandable language.
Not only EM-vibrations can trigger the crystals inside a digital recorder, a piezo-electrical effect created by a strong light source like LED is also a potential candidate for creating crazy vibrations in crystals which recording devices can translate into intelligible words or short sentences by converting light, sound, direct temperature differences, or mechanical pressure, into electrical signals.
A less common theory in this phenomena speculate that the person holding the recorder is actually working as a medium for the spirit(s), or other paranormal activity which uses telepathy or psychokinetic energy, to transfer their message(s) through the person what reflects in the recording device.
In this theory two plausible explanations come to mind. It is commonly known that the human body is producing low vibrations and frequencies due e.g. the heartbeat, blood circulation, muscles robbing against each other, the voice, what can trigger the crystals inside the recording device due the short distance between the transmitter (the human body) and the receiver (the digital recorder). This could give a result of the digital devise picking up the changed vibrations in the magnetic field (aura) and translating these vibrations and frequencies into random words. (According to Bruce Taino, the average frequency of the human body lies between 62 to 68 Hz during daytime)
Secondly, the human body is a perfect conductor of choice when speaking of electricity and sound waves due the body fluids.
When external sound waves are applied to the frequency of the human body by, for instance, a lawnmower, the magnetic field (aura) instantly changes due the infrasound this lawnmower is producing and transmitting. It can even address your emotions! This invisible manner of unintended and mechanical manipulation sounds pretty acceptable still; many people forget this possibility as a cause for the recording of a possible EVP. (Other sources for infrasound are e.g. airplanes, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, Aurora, severe storms and even meteors)
Talking Dolls
But what about the recordings of those disembodied voices from the past acting with intelligence? They seem to come from nowhere and, at the same time, from particular objects in the environmental surroundings such as concrete walls, the ground, wooden beams, tombstones, or one of the most creepiest objects known in the paranormal world … DOLLS.
This remarkable reaction, or behavior, in environmental objects is better known as ‘the residual placement of the sound’ which causes the crystals within the surrounding elements to act as a storage device which is similar to a (cassette) tape storing the magnetic fluctuations from its direct surroundings and plays them back when the conditions are right.
If a theory as such falls in the remit of reality, the overall of recorded EVP’s would only be residual in nature. Meaning, there has yet no recording played containing an intelligent response from the past.
Interactive Voice Responding
The recordings of disembodied voices are both paranormal in nature and do exist. But, personally, I cannot say with 100% certainty that the origin of the recorded voices, or sounds, are from spirits containing an awareness of its surroundings while ‘walking’ the space what lies outside our visible spectrum, on all occasions. It could easily be a spontaneous recording of a natural source in classical reality what in turn is stored in crystals. Elastic crystals have the ability of releasing a ‘recording’ of what once was (regardless if this echo was created in the 12th century or, by your own voice 1 year ago) when, for instance, a paranormal investigator addresses the space, or object, with the right frequency in his or her voice. Today we know this process as IVR (Interactive Voice Responding)
The Physics of Sound Waves
The sounds, or waves, of your voice are just another form of energy, one that is not too different from heat. Sound waves are a short compression and expansion of air molecules as they travel away from their source. The difference between sound and heat in this is how organized these vibrations are. Sound starts out as a structured wave that dissipates into the general disorder of the other molecules in the atmosphere without losing its energy; it is just a large amount of molecules bouncing around over a huge area. This dissipated sound energy bouncing around air molecules is now taking the same form as heat. The effect you ‘see’ when you add heat to for instance rubber polymers is, it raises its temperature making those electrical charged crystal within the material, vibrate faster and faster what creates a Pyro-electricity effect.
In physics, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it just transforms from one form to another like chemical energy can be converted to kinetic energy and can act like an explosion of that of a stick of dynamite. This kind of energy is not only a good candidate for creating an EVP but also lift an arm, or to turn the head, of a creepy looking doll. The question in this matter is ‘when’ are we are creating this energy and ‘when not’?
Understanding how some terrestrial crystals and polymers can act as crazy agents and create many creepy effects in talking dolls and EVP’s due being triggered by light, vibrations, electricity, magnetism and temperature differences, is one thing. But understanding how we might be the ones responsible for triggering those polymers and elastic crystals in the most ordinary objects, is another thing.
Should we consider of changing the question ‘WHEN or WHEN NOT’ into What in the bleep are we really recording?