Is Time Holding Us In Its Grip?
The Universe, it is the biggest time-machine we can think off but does it really present us ‘time’?
This mysterious dark domain is the territory of erratic behaviors and silent explosions and is indeed a remarkable place to look at. And by doing so, inescapable thoughts will pop-up … thoughts about if it would be possible that it contains an invisible and self-evolving force having the opportunity to let the future creates the past which than creates the future again.
Well, it is not entirely unlikely but before we can look at mind dazzling questions like these, we need to let our thoughts slide over a question what is being ask since the beginning of mankind’s curiosity; what is time?
What time is it? … Well that is a simple question is it not? But the answer is still a remote one and will leave you in a tangled state when trying to wrap your brain around this elusive idea of Mother Nature.
Many will look at their wristwatches as soon as they hear this question. And without any hesitation they tell you the time they read on that little piece of innovative technology. But answering this question of what time really is … is really not that easy and still lies beyond our grasp.
Maybe we can find a plausible answer by looking back in time. History teaches us that the Mayan felt they knew the answer 2000 years ago, as Newton thought he understood it 400 years ago. Einstein thought he knew for a brief moment of 6 months in 1915 and today some of the best physicists are looking at this ‘simple’ question.
So what is time … is it seconds ticking away on a clock hanging in a train station? Is it the annual events we see happening in nature? Is it behavior in the movements (speed) of opposite objects? Or is time an invisible prison what keeps us all captured in the moments of the Present?
Well, the best answer I can give you on this simple looking question of what time is … I don’t know exactly. In fact, nobody knows for sure what ‘time’ really is, we can only say what it is not … time is not what you read in your wristwatch.
But wait, I said that I don’t know exactly what it is but I do have a pretty good guess of what this idea of time in the universe could contain. So, like galactic archaeologists, let’s zig zag through myriad sources of information to piece together any surviving and available evidence.
We encounter many interesting things while wandering through the universe… particles, gravity waves, gas clouds but also asteroids, planets, moons and a particle with an odd behavior or should I say ‘content’.
This ‘oddness’ with the sterile neutrino makes it a bit of the ‘black sheep’ of the universe.
The sterile neutrino, we learned about its existence a decade ago and is being thought of being ‘empty’ whereas it only interacts via gravity and not carrying any charge. This emptiness made me think in a direction of something which is not proven yet in its existence but is being thought off as ‘real’ due the fact nature is allowing its existence.
Science explains the sterile neutrino is an empty particle but what if it is not and does carry something. What if it is carrying a charge of which its vibration is that high or low it just looks like nothing is being present?
When combining this empty ghost particle with something even more stranger in behavior what is called ‘Tachyon’, it suddenly has a high possibility of being Neutrino’s fifth flavor what can point out to the reality in the behavior of time. Also, the sterile neutrino, could even turn into a sixth flavor when it absorbs a high electrical charged nuclear energy after it has merged with the photon and then become a nuclear illuminated photon.
In this the Scalar-electron could be the winner.
It is believed that this hypothetical Tachyon-energy is going that fast that it at some point appears to stand still whereas it is moving within the electromagnetic spectrum. (Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation) And by behaving as so, it instantly becomes invisible for the modern scientific measurement equipment like the MiniBooNe.
So, this ‘nothing’ or sterility in the new flavor of the Neutrino is probably not nothing at all. And with this in mind, a question like, “Is this energy able of bending the arrows of time?”
Well it definitely can but we have to see it from the view of Tachyon itself.
The Scalar electrons seem to rotate in an opposite direction to each other. This strange behavior is what A. Einstein, with an undertone of ridicule, named ‘spooky action at a distance’. Maybe, while writing the General Relativity, he forgot to think of the possibility of an invisible energy was swirling around these scalar electrons with an enormous speed due its undetectable vibration.
However, when tachyon travels with the speed beyond that of light, it would A: see this nuclear particle as only ‘one’ and B: see these particles always rotating in one direction. And from this perspective we can say, with some caution, that the universe has a ‘spooky action’ on its own whereby its time has two ways in which it is…um, ticking?
Now, as soon as science can prove tachyons existence, aim the right laser on the moment of where this energy is meeting itself (standing still) and find the right wave what will speed up or slow down tachyons vibration, it probably will become visible for detectors to measure it. By doing so time’s momentum becomes its position and vise verse. And…time stood still!
Being thought as a farfetched idea or not, but if this energy has an intimate relationship with the scalar electrons due both of them, one point in time, being ‘one particle, and Tachyon’s velocity depends on the spin of this nuclear electron, science only have to stop and reverse its spin.
Now I don’t know what will happen but if this can be brought into a checked sate, the possibility of sending thermodynamic second law in reverse cannot entirely be ruled out. This could have an outcome of strange effects taken place in where it is possible to stop time, reverse it and we take a peek into the past of the universe and see where it all started. Now wouldn’t THAT be a cool opportunity?!
In this a, by scalar energy, illuminated Neutrino-Photon going slightly faster than ordinary light, is likely possible and could easily be a sixth flavor next to the already existing four neutrinos.
There is even a high possibility of the Neutrino-Tachyon and Neutrino-Photon together, being the true entropic time whereas the universe is using these behaviors/reactions to bend the thermodynamic second law in a stable manner and creating the past, the present and the future all in the same moment.
With this in mind the question is rising; where does this nuclear energy coming from in the first place and during which event? Does the answer lie in the merging of two black holes carrying Tachyon energy from an older universe or… universes? Well, science is still exploring the plural possibility of this infinite energy, but has yet not found the right data to prove it.
As soon as they do, it will provide us with new laws in e.g. quantum holographic technologies whereby it even could be artificial created, captured and measured.
A problem what should be bridged in order to get this far could lie in the Relativistic Doppler Effect.
But I think we should leave these experiments of artificial created particles (Neutrino-Tachyon and/or Photon) possessing the speed faster than light containing manipulated and checked messages/code and could, in this idea, addressing space-time whereas it even has the ability of bending the arrows of time and communicate with a possible past, present and future timelines, in the laboratory for a while.
Can we truly say that reality is ultimately TIMELESS?
This all sounds pretty bizarre from the view of classical physics and not an easy concept to define, but from the view of the consciousness theory and spirituality, it fits in perfectly.