Open up Your Mind Because They Might be Out There!
Hong Kong 1935. In a small medicinal shop German-Dutch paleontologist and geologist Dr. Gustav Heinrich Ralph von Koenigswald purchased a set of giant molars thought to be the teeth of an ancient dragon. After further study von Koenigswald determined that he had stumbled upon the first fossil evidence of an extinct species of ape called Gigantopithecus.
Standing 10 feet tall and weighing up to 1200 pounds this gigantic ape, believed to have lived alongside several early hominid species for tens of thousands of years, is the largest known primate to ever walk the Earth. Could it be that the creature known as Bigfoot be a descendant of this ancient beast?
Some cryptids might not exist, but there is a high possibility that others do. In fact, National Geographic proved that Hogzilla and the Congo Elephants, two cryptids thought to be hoaxes, did exist. If these cryptids once existed, then there could be scientific evidence that evolutionary roots on to how these creatures possibly evolved in unison with human evolution, is available for us to and research the existence of today’s cryptids.
Take the Glycera for instance. Aka the bloodworm or the vampire worm. Although it is not considered to be a cryptid due to the fact it is an actual categorized marine animal, it is the only venomous worm species in the world. They have a proboscis that they shoot out of the front of their heads, which has four fangs. These fangs are made of copper. Yes! Like the metal element copper.
This worm is a true predator and when they are out hunting, they will kind of slink through the mud searching for crustaceans or small invertebrate. As soon as they have target their prey they shoot this grappling hook-type head out of their proboscis. Four copper fangs dig in and inject venom into their prey what paralyses their victim and sometimes even stops the heart immediately. Then they sit there, slurping up the innards like a slushie.
Fortunately, this marine animal can only grow up to approximately 35–40 cm’s. But imagine someone reporting an encounter with a worm as such having the size of a 18 feet long and over 215 pounds python. Would you believe the eyewitness or, instantly place this encounter with, for instance, UFO sightings, photographs of the Loch Ness monster and, Bigfoot?
If creatures like the Glycrea do exsist and, when the curcomstances are right, have the ability to grow up to enormouse sizes, than why is it that science is unable to find the conclusive evidence for the existence of this elusive creature we have become to know as Bigfoot?
Could it be that science is looking in the wrong direction for the missing link in human evolution ? Are the questions “What can account for the significant differences in related species?” and “Why are humans relatively hairless and possess brains far more advanced than other primates?” too much focused on the biological form of a creature as Bigfoot? Should we aim our thoughts on the vibrational temperatures in thermodynamics instead?
The fact that Bigfoot has been able to skirt about on the periphery and remain hidden and secretive and be seldom seen means that they are intelligent. But what happens when human populations keep expanding and creatures like Bigfoot start to lose more and more of its territory. Where is Bigfoot going to go? Is it going to hide in caves or, in plain sight?
Infrasonic communication
Let’s briefly step into the past. On 31 May 2003, a group of UK researchers held a mass experiment, where they exposed some 700 people to music laced with soft 17 Hz sine waves played at a level described as “near the edge of hearing”, produced by an extra-long-stroke subwoofer mounted two-thirds of the way from the end of a seven-meter-long plastic sewer pipe. The experimental concert (entitled Infrasonic) took place in the Purcell Room over the course of two performances, each consisting of four musical pieces. Two of the pieces in each concert had 17 Hz tones played underneath.
In the second concert, the pieces that were to carry a 17 Hz undertone were swapped so that test results would not focus on any specific musical piece. The participants were not told which pieces included the low-level 17 Hz near-infrasonic tone. The presence of the tone resulted in a significant number (22%) of respondents reporting feeling uneasy or sorrowful, getting chills down the spine or nervous feelings of revulsion or fear.
Besides infrasound wavelengths can be generated artificially through human activity, aka sonic and electrostatic energy (the transmission of mechanical energy through vibrations), it can also emerge from natural events like earthquakes, severe weather, and lightning. Or, when a volcano is becoming slightly active what is better known as “The volcano magnetic effect”.
Besides human activities and natural events, animals like elephants, tigers, crocodiles, produce these sounds as well which they use for defense, communication and hunting. In most cases this frequency is not affecting us that severe due to the fact that we understand the source of the frequency. But in some cases it is triggering this primordial ‘fight or flee’ reaction that is deeply rooted in our DNA.
Now, in the moment that both the sound and its source are not consciously perceived, people feel vaguely confused what can be observed as ‘freezing’. Not to mention that a frequency as such could be the source of why people have reported the sense of e.g. time lost and their clothing vibrating while having an encounter with Bigfoot.
Sonic- or electrostatic energy, has the ability of affecting both ones emotions and the visual appearance of one’s environment. Think about the visual distortion hot air hovering above the road is showing. When a blurry but transparent ‘wall’ as such is meeting a fine tuned frequency, you will not be able to see through it. Better said, in the moment the anatomy of a species has evolved in a way it is able to use Mother nature’s natural energies for its defense and hunting skills, you will not be able to see what might be lurking behind this natural wall of energy.
Vibrational Manipulation to Create Cross-Dimensional Bridges
Let’s briefly theorize about the possibility of a species communicating and creating a quantum bridge by emitting infra sound in its roar. And why.
Experiencing the effects in the translations of circularized polarized information and linear polarized information as a more ‘natural’ phenomenon could indicate that both the human and animal build-in ‘supercomputer’ (the brain) is acting like a radar sweeping the local area and, in the process, is creating a quantum bridge between known spatial geometry and, to us humans, a chaotic one as soon as two ‘strings’ meet on the edges of the topological structure of Spin Foam models whereby the frequencies are both the source for the quantum information exchange and the position of this quantum bridge.
In other words, by altering the natural frequency at which a molecule (the smallest unit of a compound that contains the chemical properties of the compound) vibrates, we are not merely putting molecules out of sync with our natural resonance, but also creating a cross-dimensional bridge, as the molecules attempt to sync with both is intrinsic resonance and its new found frequency.
Now, a molecule is defined as a collection of two or more atoms of the same or different element in a definite arrangement. The atoms in a molecule are held together by chemical bonds which can only be broken when a chemical reaction takes place.
In spite of the relatively small size of the cells, the cold fusion reaction produces so much heat, it is more than can be accounted for by chemical means and therefore there must be some type of new nuclear mechanism.
A hair raising theory in thermodynamics and vibrational temperature
Although it sounds like a farfetched idea that belongs in a science fiction movie yet to be released, let’s briefly theorize about a creature like Bigfoot creating a quantum bridge or cloaking wall by emitting controlled infrasound frequencies that should not be dismissed as utterly nonsense.
Skipping the myriad particles Particle Physics has discovered over time, the electron cloud of the atom and Weyl Fermion seem to be the perfect candidates for providing an answer of how a species as Quantum Bigfoot has the ability to use a natural and controlled form of cold fusion whereby the thought frequency can create a quantum bridge and the infrasound released by their roar is keeping both the electron cloud of its atoms and the bridge stable for it to step through.
Listening to an interview with Dr. Sean Carroll about Quantum immortality and the spontaneous collapses of electron waves providing an object its position in classical reality, the following idea bubbled to the surface of my mind; what if these waves, surrounding the nucleus of our atoms, is consciousness?
We are all familiar with the images internet is providing us about the atom. The core exists from protons and neutrons and around it, a gassy cloud containing electrons. According to the general opinion the atom exists from 99% empty space. But is it truly empty space? What if this gassy cloud is not that gassy at all? What if it is containing from uncountable electron waves of which some are collapsing zillion of times without anyone observing it? And, those waves which are not experiencing a collapse see the opportunity to propel the dots, aka the (amplified) electron?
Because of all these dots, aka particles, and waves communicating with each other in an entailed form , they are constantly creating a new spontaneous collapse like an infinitive wave. By means of these zillions of spontaneous collapses happening all the time, this wavy behavior is giving any object its position in our reality.
If the theory of these waves being ‘consciousness’ could be close to being fact, it would mean that it is possible for a creature like Bigfoot have seen an anatomically evolution by means of being aware of its consciousness. And, by means of this awareness it is observing itself what brings this elusive creature in a superposition whereby the amplified electrons addressing the crystals in the skeletal muscles, (voluntary muscles) converting them into elastic crystals what in turn is activating the Weyl fermions.
Knowing that the Weyl fermions are in fact the fundamental irreducible representations of the Lorentz group, the question is raising if these creatures know how to use the Weyl fermions by nature.
Can we aim our thoughts in the direction of a creature like Quantum Bigfoot has seen an evolution for its skin, today, might contain from Weyl fermions, which were detected as an emergent quasi-particle in synthetic crystals of the semimetal tantalum arsenide (TaAs).
Did you know that single TaAs crystals can be obtained by chemical vapor transport method using iodine as the transport agent as well as it has been demonstrated that TaAs has a very high value of the real part of the complex refractive index in the infrared region? In other words, this creates the bending of light.
Could it be that, in this line of though, ball lightning be the released remnant energy in the moment a Quantum Bigfoot is generating vibrational temperature in its body that is similar to cold fusion in order to convert the crystals in the skeletal muscles into elastic ones and, in the process, are activating the Weyl fermions in order to create a transparent distortion? If so, it might answer the question why these creatures are so heavily muscled. It takes a huge amount of natural crystals to create and control that much vibrational temperature.
So, like the bloodworm is possessing copper fangs, is there a possibility that the skin of Bigfoot is partly containing from the first discovered Weyl semimetal (conductor), TaAs? If so, that could provide a plausible answer for how these creatures have the ability to alter the electron waves in their natural molecules. Simply by releasing infrasound in their roar and become invisible to the human eye.
Now that is what I call an amazing survival skill!
To summarize the territory traveled in this article, there is a high possible that the legends of Bigfoot creatures are real. But the question of could they have been the product of genetic manipulation by other worldly beings, is still a mind dazzling one. Equally to the question are humans the real alien creatures manufactured by using alien and hominid DNA?
The legend of Bigfoot, in the end, might be the story of primordial Earth creatures hiding in a dimension we have become to understand as Euclidean space. Did these creatures saw an anatomic evolution we cannot wrap our minds around, yet? Is this how they have been hiding from man for thousands of years? If the latter might contain evolutionary truth, it might help to explain why Bigfoot is so elusive… not because we are afraid of them but because they are afraid of us.
I think that we should pay attention to what eyewitnesses are reporting for scientific researcher to gain the opportunity to conduct their research and collect the needed evidence so that these and others yet unknown creatures can be located, studied and protected.