The human Claustrum; can it produce a 3D holographic of the hereafter?
We all wonder so now and then about what will happen to us after we die.
When a loved one have passed away, we long to see him or her again after our turn comes and having a glorious reunion with them as we are walking one of the most wonderful places containing harmonic melodies coming straight from the heart.
Is such a reunion a non-illusion moment and thus a realistic possibility what we experience with full awareness or is death really the end of all consciousness?
Well, according to some researcher’s consciousness is just another property, emerging as a result of trillions of electrical pulses shuttling across the brain.
According to this, consciousness is only a property and not an entity.
As on the other hand the bible, for instance, is teaching us that life does not end after our bodies die.
“I am the resurrection and the life … those who believe in me, even though they die like everyone else, will live again.”
The bible describes how eyewitnesses being the closest to Jesus, told the event in him demonstrating his power over death by rising from the dead after being crucified and buried for three days.
But what if we do not have to wait until our biological clock stops ticking whereas the universe is absorbing our energy and gravity gets a definitive hold on to our physical body and lays it to rest, just below the surface of Mother Earth.
Now that would be something right, accessing the ‘powers’ of Cellular Memory Release (CMR) in multidimensional existences while we are still alive and well?
Could this be a fact … straightforward, WE CAN!
But before we can ‘control’ this superpower we have to understand how these subtle bundles of ‘info-energy’, which are comprised of physical, mental and emotional data and comes from all of your life experiences, genetic heritage, and past generations, looks like in its behavior.
First of all, you have to know that ‘The Cellular Memory phenomenon’ (a consciousness at cellular level) is the collective energy field in your body, like the Higgs-field is to quantum particles, and generated by these individual cell memories.
Nothing we experience escapes from our reality and is being imprinted into our cellular holographic memory in the form of a cell memory whereas it operates behind the scenes of our subconscious mind.
These subtle bundles of ‘info-energy’ in the Cellular Memory pre-disposes or, ‘programs’, you to perceive and behave in a certain way as thoughts and feelings are made.
A new world produced by a thin, irregular sheet of neurons in the center of the brain what is called ‘the Claustrum’ it manifests within your consciousness.
In this idea we can use the analogy of a computer in were the holistic beingness is the hard disk, as the Cellular Memory is the database on the storage disk whereas the files within the database are the cell memories.
It can be stated that everything, which has ever happened to us, is recorded in the cells of our body similarly to files being stored within a computer.
Looking at the behavior of our cells and their info-energy in such a manner, a great part of the Theory of Everything (ToE), which e.g. speaks about the one’s and zero’s (the Binary-code embedded in string theory) of the universe, can, crazy as it sounds, be applied to a holographic reality in our visible spectrum as well as in the hereafter.
The idea of we living in a computer generated universe was already suggested in the 1940ths, as the code was discovered by Professor James Gate jr. whom he refers to as “adinkras”.
In this way, the Cellular Memory is, so to speak, a bio-computer what is charged up due an electric spark and influences our relationships to everything and anything that is happening in our perspective of time, space and matter.
Now, let us take a brief look at an underlying level in this idea of the similarity between the blueprint of our existence and that of the universe by trying to imagine an endless rotating spiral of plasma, which is representing time, in a pitch black place containing nothing except for one tiny bright spot.
This electric charged spot, floating in a soundless place a such and is slowly bending some arrows of time as it is drifting through the center of this spiral, towards a formless gas-cloud of hydrogen (H2) and Helium (He) which is present around the core of a black hole (BH).
We all know these days that a black hole is pre-eminently one of the creepiest places the universe has to offer as it is exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing, nor particles nor electromagnetic radiation, such as light, can escape from inside it.
With this being said, a border in our way of thinking has being created instantly … but these invisible borders should not be a fact in their existing.
So, like the nuclear energy in our atoms, we leave those particles exactly where they are … inside the black hole as we leave the info- energy inside our cells.
Like the particles inside the black hole and the info-energy inside our cells, we are going to force our thoughts again and bend the borders of the fabric of time as we transform them into a clear vision containing vibrating energy having the capability to communicate with a field what is connecting us all together.
Looking at the behavior of a strange alpha or photonic light, which is being pressed against the edge of the inner-shell of a black hole due the centrifugal force (CF) and starting to act as an electron-positron pair (e-/e+) just on the outer-shell, our info-energy is starting to act in a similar manner and shows itself as an electric coded wave hitting our magnetic field (aura) due certain chemical reactions in our brain and thus our cells. (Histone code)
Our body has the capability to release the electric impulses of these subtle bundles of info-energy (CMR), stored in the cellular memory, as soon as our atoms are started to get excited and slightly crack, they release its nuclear photonic light from the core.
This coded bright light is then transported via the nerve-system to the brain where is starts a plural electric explosion what we became to understand as neuronal behavior.
Now the brain received this ‘collective energy’, it can transmit the information, in vibrations/waves, towards the magnetic field of the body where it becomes a readable language for those who have learned to received it as well as transforming it in images, sound and or feelings, in other words…telepathy.
So, like an e+/e- pair can spawn from photonic-light from inside a black hole and communicate with the Higgs field, our ‘inner-light’ can transform into electro-magnetic waves whereas it is triggering the aura and even light it up a little bit.
Creating this crazy transformation from particle into waves, a closer look to the, in science, well known ‘slit experiment’ which was performed by Davisson and Germer in 1927, is also not entirely useless.
Skipping the complicated interior of this experiment, which is not magical or weird but a completely straightforward consequence of quantum mechanics, it comes down to the behavior of photonic light, static or not, changing from particles to waves and probably vise verse whereby the Fabric of Reality is swirling a Schrödinger-box providing a strange evidence for the many-worlds interpretation.
Now let us bend the borders of our thoughts just one more time by replacing this slit-experiment for the human retina and maybe even in reverse.
Many say it is not possible for the human eye to observe this form of light with full awareness but, looking at the possibility of how photonic light can be polarized by a medium like the human retina, it does have the ability in creating both a vivid image inside the brain as it can created a multiply dimensional holographic projection in the visible spectrum and perceptible by bystanders.
Four methods in creating this form of light containing electromagnetic waves, are known; polarization by transmission, by reflection, by refraction and by scattering whereby scattering is the one closest possibility in creating a natural holographic effect in ‘The Eye of Ra’ (mid-brain) while traveling through a medium like that of the human retina.
And as we are entering the knowledge of physical chemistry as well as we are scraping the surface of basic physics, we can see that this manner of scattering speaks of light striking the atoms of such a medium and often sets the electrons of those atoms into vibration.
The vibrating electrons then produce their own electromagnetic wave that is radiated outward in all directions.
This newly generated wave strikes neighboring atoms, forcing their electrons into vibrations at the same original frequency which we understand as communication in the form of transmitting images, sound or/and emotions by telepathy.
These vibrating electrons produce another electromagnetic wave that is once more radiated outward in all directions as this absorption and reemission of light waves causes the light to be scattered about the medium and is partially polarized.
So, if the human retina has the ability to absorb these polarized photons and is creating a strange effect in a possible distortion of our visible spectrum, a behavior as such can trigger the optic nerves and thus the neuron activity in the brain which again gives an effect in the Claustrum, or ‘Key stone’ when looking at certain medieval legends, being charged and transmits this electricity to the nerve system as well as it is charging the fluid in the mid-brain also known as ‘the eye of Ra’.
Due an effect like this, the fluid in the mid-brain is being slightly charged (heated up) whereas it is merging with the chemicals the Pineal gland is releasing. This gives a result of, around the Corpus Callosum, Hydrogen release due extern magnetic fluctuations from the aura and the intern electricity the body gained due photon polarization.
Looking at the info-energy our cells contain in such a manner, we could say that a crazy galactic behavior is taking place inside our body meaning that there is a plausible possibility that the universe could have its origin in our minds as we projecting our ideas, emotions and experiences on a place which is bearing the name ‘The Eather’.
So, everything you see and experience in 3D, including time and matter, could be a reversed interpretation of a reality existing somewhere in another universe … a one of a four-strand Theory of Everything (TOE) which is a state of mind and matter whereby an equation is ‘ALMOST’ utterly useless due the chaotic behavior of an subatomic universe.
Will there ever be tangible evidence of its existence and will we ever accept a scientific explanation as such which definitely has the power of proving the reality of the paranormal?