The Simple Complexity of Truth, Reality and Fact

Maria Anna van Driel
5 min readFeb 15, 2021


By Maria Anna van Driel,

We all have our own perception of the people around us, our surroundings, the world. But in the moment we are claiming that what we are perceiving as an individual is the truth, we are actually saying to those who we interact with and having a different opinion, “Your reality is no fact and thus disinformation when told or spread via today’s electronic highway, aka internet”.

So, what is ”truth“? That baseball you are holding in your hands which you are about to throw to your child during a fun outdoor game? That steak on your dinner plate…your memories perhaps?

Well, according to the internet, “Truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality”. But, so many say, no one can say with 100% certainty that what one is thinking is reality or fact unless, your thoughts concerning a particular topic has been accepted by the majority. Therefore, in this line of thought, what you consider to be ‘a truth’ can only become ‘a fact’ in the moment you find enough people to support your hypothesis who then convert it into ‘a reality’.

(Top) Diamond crystal structure, depicting an atomic spacing of 0.154 nm. (Bottom) Graphite crystal structure, depicting an atomic spacing of 0.142 nm. Image source: Wikipedia

To give you an example of this odd twist in this simple complexity, that baseball I just mentioned, is that truly real in its existence? I mean, we have all read or heard that objects which appear to be solid, having a density, are not solid at all. This due to the ‘fact’ that the atoms of this object are mostly empty space, aka Atomic Spacing. When removing all this space the baseball contains, it suddenly gains a complete different form or might even disappear within an instance…hypothetical speaking.

In this your thoughts might be, “Yeah, but that is what science theorizes. It has not fully been proving this to be fact.” I can only respond with, “Exactly!” Now, even though you might not be entirely convinced of this objects reality because you have not seen the behavior of Atomic Spacing with your own eyes, the majority is accepting this claim of objects not entirely being solid due to the distance between the nuclei of atoms in the material of the baseball. And so, over time, the claim made has been accepted, or approved, and thus has become fact.

So, your perception of this baseball being solid or not in its existence, is not consistent with my reality perception of this green squared object. But does that mean that one of us is not speaking the ‘truth’ or, is spreading myths and disinformation about the baseball? Absolutely not! The difference between these two realities (most likely) lies in your brain translating the natural visible and invisible light, which is meeting the baseball and, eventually, is hitting the retina cones on the back of your eyes (this includes sound and magnetic waves accompanying the visible light), slightly different then my brain is doing. This perfectly normal process of the brain translating or decoding as it ware, the information received, alters any existing reality what, in turn, is now slightly different than anybody else’s. And, over time, this individual reality has become fact. This also vise verse, meaning, from the perspective of the other.

So, if ‘truth’ is truly that one property of ‘something’ that is being in accord with fact or reality but only after it has been shared and accepted by the majority, it almost seems that the internet, for example, is the one perfect medium to gain that particular information you need to alter, or correct, your individual perception of reality.

But, if our individual perception of reality, or hypothesis as it ware, is only based on your ‘incorrect’ thoughts which have spawn from life experiences or deep and long thoughts and not from an avalanche of the so called ‘correct information’ provided by the personal opinions of myriad internet users, why are we then still in the need of asking questions? Why do thoughts cross our minds when listening to a story told or an article read? I think this is most likely a primeval behavior, in both human and animal existence, in where we explore the unknown stuff in order to stay ahead of any destructive event regardless if this event is physical or psychological. And in this line of thought, it might be ‘fact’ that we are asking questions in order to survive.

Odd isn’t? Realizing that your thoughts of what is fact or ‘a’ fact, has always been a hypothesis based on the information of your personal perception, or perceptions, of this huge theater stage you better known as your life.

As Shakespeare foreshadowed, we know now our leaders aren’t infallible and have flaws — just like the rest of us. Picture: Shutterstock

Regardless, according to many, we should wipe this ability of exploring these unknown gray area’s from our build-in super computer, aka our brain, and only ask those questions of which the answer is already written in the familiar text books or, those articles which have gained the approval of the majority. Because THAT is the truth…that IS reality and thus FACT.

Personally, I think, without a doubt, here is where human evolution not only differs from nature’s evolution but also comes to a halt due to the ‘fact’ we stop exploring all the creepy stuff meaning, we will never climb out of this state of fear due to the lack of fully understanding what is happening around us. What is left? I assume a nation showing a behaviour similar to the Lock-in Syndrome, aka a zombie apocalypse.

So, the next time you feel this urge of questioning someone’s theory, research or personal story…ask yourself this question; ”Can I, with 100% certainty, say that what I remember to have learned throughout my life is not based on the Mandela effect?”



Maria Anna van Driel
Maria Anna van Driel

Written by Maria Anna van Driel

In 2020 I realized I was trapped in a toxic relationship since '00. In Aug. '22 I found the strength to break away, flip my life to become a psychotherapist.

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